Twenty-eight years ago, it was a Friday. I was excited about my date for the evening. He was definitely my type, Louisiana fella with dark hair. He had me smitten for a couple of weeks. After getting over his fear of dating the boss’s daughter (he worked part-time for my parents), he relented to my request for a ride in his new car.
He picked me up and asked what did I feel like doing for the evening? I responded with a timid girly first date line, “it doesn’t matter.”
He answered with the best way to get to my heart. He made me laugh. “How about we go get some bread & bologna and go to a dog fight.” I knew at that moment, he had me.

28 years later, he is still making me laugh, putting up with my messiness, and giving me more than I’ve ever deserved from another human being.
He is an amazing father, husband, son, friend, and Marine. Sometimes I scare myself how much I love him and how much I need him.
#rideordie #endgame #relationshipgoals