For my Sweet Arya

My BFF from college, Anita, recently had a baby girl. Anita is an incredible, compassionate woman who loves all living things and is respectful of Mother Earth. She makes such an impression on all those she touches want to be a better human being.

Anita and her husband, James, are first-generation Americans. Their McDesi union created this amazing little girl. I wanted to make something for her that represented and honored the heritage of her mom and dad. The design is an Irish Chain with the green representing James’ Irish lineage, and the purple represents Anita’s Indian lineage.

I hope Arya will treasure it, because it is the only quilt I will ever make.

For My Sweet Arya, Made with love by Rosie Masi

Neurotypical Behavior

Because Autism parents rarely experience it, I wanted to share Mac’s recent neuro-typical 12 year old boy behavior.  We put up a little family pool in the back for him to cool off in the afternoons.  I’ve been getting in with him and practicing putting his head back to wet his hair to get him more comfortable with the water.  99% of the time all he wants to do is spit water at me and giggle.  Obviously this isn’t appropriate behavior, so I am trying to curb it as much as I can.  However, when I see his silliness and engaging in what I know typical 12 year old boys do, I can’t help but smile ☺️🧩

Cousins in Eastern NC

Tina and Rosie

This evening I had the pleasure of hanging out with my cousin and some of my favorite fellas from high school. I love that geography and the passage of time hasn’t diminish us and we fall right back into place. You will always be home. And although I swore I’d never marry someone from Belle Chasse, you remind me why my people will always have my heart. You remind me why my senior year of high school was the best of times. In the transient life of a military spouse, it’s hard to find people who are trustworthy and reliable. Tonight was refreshing knowing if I needed anything, you would be there. #watereddownbarryquirk

Celebrating the Little Things

It’s the little things. Mac has always struggled to blow out candles. While in PK, his teacher presented him with a birthday cake toy he loved. He would try to blow the plastic candles and it would play music. He worked very hard but still struggled.

Finally today on his 12th birthday, we encouraged him and Mac blew out his numbered candles all on his own.

Celebrating the little things on our Autism journey.