Something to Consider
You decide what you give your time and energy to. No one chooses that but you. What you allow in is all within your control. Choose wisely and what’s in your best interest.
Radical acceptance is letting our past experiences be precisely what they are and believing there is nothing we can do to change that. What we have within our control is to accept our past for what it is and move forward with the lessons learned and the belief of who we are and where we want to go.

Don’t ever forget the badassery of your 8th grade self.
When we have breakthroughs in life, we need to stay focused on the step and not the staircase.

When you find yourself doing things that are not healthy for you, ask yourself…..what is the function of this behavior? Why am I….? This discovery will help you understand the intent. When we know why we are doing something, we can uncover and address the motivation, making it easier to change or stop.

Marriage is not a competition. We’re not keeping score. It’s a partnership where we pull the weight in areas we need to make the machine we call marriage and family run.
Tapping into our skills and contributing them, makes a marriage a strong, well-tuned vehicle. If you’re the better cook, you cook. If they are better at managing money, they manage the money. We don’t monopolize our marriage because it’s a partnership. This is why when one of us struggles in an area, dealing with our past, etc., our partner is there to listen and provide support while the we work through the struggle.
Marriage is a union of equals. We love and respect each other as equals, and we are there for each other to lift each other as equals.

So brace yourself.

I left social media in 2018.
It took me a couple of years to fully understand the impact social media was having on my mental health.
Smart phones algorithms are intended modify behavior. They are designed to be addictive for the sake of profit. With this knowledge, I realized how much my smartphone and algorithms were manipulating my behavior on social media. Behavior affects mood and overall wellness. Specifically, behavior an individual may not have complete control over; think of it like substance abuse.
I commend those who can balance screen time and reality. Those who primarily view their smartphone’s content as entertainment. Good for you.
However, if you subconsciously prioritize your smartphone over humans, it may be time to check your behavior.

2024 Intention to Look Up
What’s your relationship with your smart phone?
Many don’t consider these easy to use and connect with others products are built to be addictive (algorithms) and have proven to be greatest time vampires of humans.
My hope for all this year is to consider your intention of your smart phone. Ask yourself is it helping or harming my mental health and my relationship with other humans?
When in doubt, put your smart phone down, look up and be present.